Freelancers import

How to import file that contains a list of freelancers

Denis Petrov avatar
Автор: Denis Petrov
Обновлено больше недели назад

To invite many freelancers at once you may use import function.

1) Go to the Freelancers section and click Import

2) Download an example of import file

3) Fill in the xls. file as insturcted below

Only the email field is necessary. You may leave the rest empty

phone – phone number without +

fname – first name

sname – second name

specialization_code – you may find codes here

invite_in_english – send invitation letter in english. 1 – yes, 0 – no

note – additional information about freelancer (up to 50 characters). It will be indicated in the freelancer’s profile

4) Choose your file and click Upload. In case of any issues, you will receive another file that contains a description of all errors

Important! Please wait until the file is uploaded. Don’t click Upload again.

If everything is successful the freelancers profiles will appear in the Freelancers section

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