Creating a team of freelancers

How to successfully invite freelancers to your team

Denis Petrov avatar
Автор: Denis Petrov
Обновлено больше недели назад

After a company’s account is activated, you will be able to invite freelancers to your team.

1) Go to the Freelancers section and click the Invite button


- Fill in the freelancer’s email.

- If needed, fill in any additional information about the freelancer in the Feature field

- Default language of the invitation letter is russian. If you need to send the letter in english, use check-box Send invitation in english

- When everything is ready click the button Send invitation

Checking the registration progress

The list of freelancers represented in the form of a table. This table contains information about date of registration, verification status, tax status (Individual, self-employed or individual entrepreneur), delivery status of the invitation letter. Also, it indicates information about freelancers’ linked payment methods and other useful information. You may change the table’s view by clicking on Columns button at upper right corner of the table.

You may remove the freelancers from the team or invite them again. To remove the freelancer, click the Actions button and choose Exclude. If the freelancer has not receiver the invitation letter, then choose Resend invitation

Working with a freelancer’s profile

You may enter the freelancer’s profile by clicking on his name or email in the Freelancers section.

Here you can see a history of the assigned tasks, change statuses of this tasks, add information about the freelancer (Feature), exclude the freelancer from the team. Also, you may change freelancer’s first name and surname that will be shown to you (it won’t change details in his personal account)

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